Transform your mindset. Empower yourself. Join The Confident Mums Club Membership

Start NOW

Start from the moment you join with trainings available to work through at your own pace.

Monthly Trainings

Monthly trainings and guest expert sessions every month on top of the core modules.

Get Coached

Monthly Q&A session where you can get coached or have your questions answered.

Imagine feeling confident and happy with who you are and where you're going....

Hi, I'm Amy, the proud founder of The Confident Mums Club!

Picture this: a vibrant community of women—Mums, just like you, all on a journey to rediscover their inner spark and shape their futures.

Let's get real. Being a Mum is nothing short of a beautiful whirlwind, right? But let's not kid ourselves; it's also a rollercoaster of self-doubt and moments where you feel like you've lost sight of the woman you were before 'Mum' took centre stage.

Drawing from my experiences working with children and adults, I've seen first-hand the incredible ripple effect our own confidence and self-assurance can have, regardless of our children's ages. It's a powerful reminder that our journey as mothers is never confined to a specific stage; it's ongoing and ever-evolving.

This realisation fueled my passion to create something truly transformative—a haven where Mums like you can not only survive but thrive. And so, The Confident Mums Club was born!

A monthly membership with core modules carefully crafted for you to navigate at your own pace. But that's not all! You'll also have access to live training sessions and Q&A opportunities every month, plus the invaluable insights of guest experts covering everything from decluttering and fashion to the intricacies of returning to work and beyond.

Because let's face it—motherhood isn't just about raising children; it's about nurturing ourselves along the way, too. And here, in The Confident Mums Club, you'll find the support and resources you need to do just that.

My mission? Simple yet powerful: to empower you to shine. To reignite that flame of passion and purpose that exists beyond the realm of 'Mum.' Because guess what? You're incredible, and you deserve to feel that way, inside and out.



The Core Modules

8 Core Modules included for you to start working on you straight away.


It starts here! Understanding what confidence means to you and how you can improve yours. The journey begins here!

Self Awareness & Identity

Find You. Learn to listen to you, what your voice is telling you has an impact on how you feel. Who do you want to be??

Conquering Mum Guilt & Overwhelm

A juicy one! This module helps you discover the triggers and how to reframe those thoughts. Let the positive shine through.

Assertiveness & Boundaries

As Mums our boundaries are pushed frequently. Learn how to put yourself first sometimes and why you should. Shine with pride.

Self Care & Well-being

This module debunks the self care = bath & candles myth & gives you alternatives that you can weave into your busy day and tools to overcome the barriers to doing that.

Embracing Imperfection

Motherhood is messy, imperfect, always changing and beautiful in its flaws. This module explores how you can embrace imperfection as a catalyst for growth & self compassion..

Embrace Your Uniqueness

This module asks you to dig deep, find your passion and embrace the wonderfulness that is you! Let this boost your self esteem and confidence.

Step into Your Power

Celebrate how far you have come, the action you have taken. Plan for more. Understand why goal setting is critical to overcoming barriers you put in your way.

A community to be part of - you are not alone and supported all the way. Monthly live trainings and Q&A sessions as well as the core modules.

The Confident Mums Club

The membership that will get you shining as Mum AND as YOU

Monthly Membership


  • Core Modules ready to dive into NOW

  • Monthly live Q&A with Amy - your chance to get coached

  • Monthly Guest Expert Session

  • Additional resources available to support you, regularly added to

  • All live recordings available in the membership portal

  • Exclusive Facebook group for members, a safe community of like minded women to support and cheerlead you on and for you to learn from each other

Annual Membership


Annual Payment SAVE £54 - two months free

  • Core Modules ready to dive into NOW

  • Monthly live Q&A with Amy - your chance to get coached

  • Monthly Guest Expert Session

  • Additional resources available to support you, regularly added to

  • All live recordings available in the membership portal

  • Exclusive Facebook group for members, a safe community of like minded women to support and cheerlead you on and for you to learn from each other

Monthly Guest Expert Training sessions giving you advise on things that matter to you.

What They Say

I’ve always struggled with overthinking, worrying what others think and comparing myself to others so Amy helped me to question why I felt like that and to find a more positive attitude. I now think to myself ‘what’s the worst that can happen?’ Rather than getting stressed out and worrying about things.

My husband said he could see a change in my attitude and confidence within weeks and it has spurred him on to make some positive changes and look at what he wants for the future. It also really helped us to communicate more and not just about the children

Amy always made me feel so comfortable and I never felt embarrassed or judged at all. Coaching with her has made a difference to me and the way I look at situations now.


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